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Meg and I haven’t always been as close as we are now. As kids, we used to fight like crazy. At times we were jealous of one another, would compare ourselves to each other, and compete with each other. And let me tell you, it could get ugly. Those times we were jealous or comparing ourselves did not foster joy or bring us life. It only made us upset that we didn’t have what the other had - whether it be a new toy, a cute sweater, or a pink sparkly hair brush. So often in life we can compare ourselves to other women. We feel the need to be doing better in certain areas of our lives because they are making successes in that area. Or we are jealous that they have a boyfriend or are getting engaged when we are still single. Theodore Roosevelt once said that comparison is the thief of joy, and y’all, was he ever right. Comparing ourselves to others never brings us joy or makes us feel good. In James 3:16, it says that “for where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice”. Even the Bible tells us that jealousy won’t bring happiness. It literally says it will bring disorder, so why do we let it control us so much? As Meg and I grew up, we started to accept our differences and even celebrate them with each other. We acknowledged that God had a plan for each of us, and though it looks different, it leads us to exactly where we are meant to be. We realized God created us to have different skills and gifts, and that he is using those gifts in different ways. So once we got rid of the comparison and competition, realized that God was doing great things in each of our lives, and started celebrating our individual successes we became such good friends. Now, we are inseparable and are closer than ever. Through our relationship we feel uplifted, confident, and able to share everything with each other because we know the other one has our back and is cheering us on. In 1 Thessalonians 5:11, it says “therefore encourage one another and build each other up”. When we encourage each other, it not only benefits our friends but it makes us a better friend and sister. So instead of comparing and competing with your fellow sisters, encourage them and celebrate their successes, knowing God has amazing successes for you too. Love,

~ Sarah


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Anna + Olivia

Hey everyone! We are two sisters who are sharing our passion for timeless style, beauty, faith and travel. We are so happy to have you here and hope you enjoy!


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