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When God Feels Distant

Have you ever felt like God isn't near to you? Have you been walking in your daily life feeling like He isn't walking along side you? Have you prayed and felt like God wasn't listening?

Feeling distant from God can be a lonely and frustrating feeling. You just want to feel His presence, and yet for some reason you aren't. In these times, Satan loves to take control and we can find ourselves drifting even more from God. We might skip out on praying or reading the Bible because it feels like God isn't present and listening anyways. It can lead to a downward spiritual spiral that can leave us feeling lost and lacking.

With this said, I have some good news for you. In Hebrews 13:5, God says "I will never leave you nor forsake you". Even in those times where God feels distant to us, He is still ever-present. He never leaves us, and isn't that a great reassurance? Even when we do not feel God's presence, His promises still remain. So, we can be reassured that God is still in fact with us when He feels distant, but what do we do when that doesn't make Him feel present?

In James 4:8 it says, "draw near to God and He will draw near to you". So, in order to be near to God, we need to be actively seeking him. In Jeremiah 29:13, God says that "you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart". Have you been seeking God with all of your heart? Or have you allowed Satan to distract your heart with worldly things? In order to feel closer to God, we need to silence the world, our busy schedules and to-do lists, and surround ourselves with God. Even if it is a few minutes in a day that we are devoting strictly to God, we can start seeing a change in our hearts.

Here are some things that you can do in your everyday life to draw nearer to God and start feeling His presence again.


  • This is the number one way to get closer to God. When we read the Bible, we are reading God's word and He can speak so powerfully through His word. Sometimes I have been struggling with something, and God will speak right through the Bible by leading me to a passage that talks directly about what I am dealing with.

  • Think about it this way, when we meet a new friend we want to get to know them. The more we learn about them, the closer we get to them and our relationship becomes stronger with them. The same goes for learning about God. The Bible helps us to get to know God's character, beliefs, and morals. With knowing who He is better, the stronger our relationship will grow.

  • So, start devoting some time each day to read the Bible and learn more about who God is, and who God has created you to be.


  • With any of our friends, we grow closer to them by talking to them. In the same way, we grow closer to God by talking to Him. God wants to hear from us. The more we communicate with God and rely on Him, the stronger our relationship will be with Him.

    • Try praying to Him throughout your day.

    • Try having quiet times of prayer, and listen for His voice.

    • Try starting a prayer journal to keep track of your prayers.

      • One of my favourite things to do is look back on my prayer journal and see how many prayers have been answered. It is a great way to see God's goodness working in your life.


  • Who we surround ourselves with greatly impacts who we become. If we are surrounding ourselves with people who don't share our same values and beliefs, they will draw us further from who we want to be. But, if we surround ourselves with like-minded people, we will be strengthened and encouraged in our walk with God.

  • Proverbs 27:17 says, "as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another". So, be careful who you are surrounding yourself with and watch how they impact how you are living your life. Are they strengthening your relationship with God, or are they bringing you away from Him?


  • Worshiping through the day is a great way to draw nearer to God and set our mindset on Him. Worship songs bear so many truths in them and can bring so much reassurance and joy to our souls.

  • All through the Bible we are encouraged to worship.

    • In Luke 4:8, Jesus tells us that "it is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve him only".

    • Psalms 100:2 says, "worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs"

  • So, make a playlist of your favourite worship songs and play it through the day or set a time to specifically worship God in your day. Let me tell you, it will bring you so much peace.

I hope that these words and tips have been helpful to you. If you are feeling distant from God right now, have hope knowing that He is right there beside you, even if you can't feel Him. He loves you so deeply, and nothing you do will take away that love. So draw near to Him today, and you will find Him. I will be praying for you friend.


~ Sarah


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Anna + Olivia

Hey everyone! We are two sisters who are sharing our passion for timeless style, beauty, faith and travel. We are so happy to have you here and hope you enjoy!


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